“A Christmas Tale” is a family-friendly, fun musical comedy. Three wise men, led by a dream, go through the desert towards adventure. Their journey is full of dangers, surprises, and amazing encounters.
Production dates are in December 2023; location is the Northwest suburbs of Chicago.
Audition and Rehearsal location is in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago.
Roles for:
– kids (boys and girls, age 10+)
– adult actors, male or female
All must be able to dance and sing.
– We also have opportunities for a Vocal Teacher and a Dance Teacher.
Adult actors and Teachers will be compensated.
Written, Produced and Directed by Dmitriy Yakubov.
To apply for an audition, please submit a headshot, brief summary of experience and contact information, to dmitriytheater@gmail.com.
Learn more at splintertheatre.com/audition